Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I have to specify my events prior to the meet?
No -- just like the Needham Youth Classic -- just report at check in for the events in which you want to compete.
Any restrictions on relay teams?
All members of a relay must be the same sex and the designated age for that relay. Relay members may be mixed by club affiliation. Children may move up age groups, but may participate in only one relay race. You must register teams one hour before the race. Children age 5-6 can enter a relay if they have an age 7-8 runner number.
Who is eligible to compete?
Any boy or girl who was born on March 2, 2001 or later.
What are the age groups?
Age groups (age 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-18) Age is as of meet day, March 1, 2020
Can I compete in a different age group from my actual age?
Yes, you may compete in an older age group IF you indicate that when you register. Just use the birth year to indicate the age group in which you want to compete. You may not compete in multiple age groups.
Can I use my own shot put, baton, or starting blocks?
Shot puts and batons will be supplied. No starting blocks.
Can I use spikes?
You can use 1/4" pyramid or Christmas tree spikes, but only in the track area. Pin spike are not permitted. Change into flat shoes when moving elsewhere in the building.
Will the meet be held if there is inclement weather?
We will always try to hold the meet. In the rare occasion when dangerous weather conditions cause us to change the meet schedule, you will find an update on on meet day morning. We will also e-mail that update to those on our e-mail mailing list.
Why is each athlete limited to 3 running events?
Because of high levels of participation, we cannot run the meet to get it finished on time if we allow more running events.